Monday, March 28, 2011

What She Wore: Lady Gaga Edition

This might be a little late, but considering it's Gaga's birthday anyway, I thought this post was appropriate.
Wolf Spirithood (, Marc by Marc Jacobs Cheetah Flock Zip Tunic, INC Black leggings
Some of you may be asking, "Why in God fuck's name did you wear something like this?" I'll tell you why: the sheer thrill of Lady Gaga. You can't attend a concert like Lady Gaga without going a little overboard (Am I right, or am I right?) What I was wearing could have actually be considered tame compared to what some other people were wearing (including men!)

What I Wore that night:
Wolf Spirithood ( My standout piece for the night, the wolf spirithood added an extra dimension on the Cheetah Flock tunic that I wore

Cheetah Flock Zip tunic by Marc by Marc Jacobs- I don't normally get to wear this piece out because it's a very bright shade of hot pink and the zippers on the side make it hard to actually wear seriously. However, since this WAS a Lady Gaga concert, I decided to whip this bad boy out and wear it. The zippers on the side helped out a lot, especially when it grew hotter, because then I could zip it up low enough to accomodate air to get to my body.

INC Black Velvet leggings- Spicing things up a bit by mixing textures.

Foley + Corinna Mini Disco City- My favorite bag ever. Large enough to hold my necessities, plus it's a crossbody and small enough to lug around everywhere.


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