Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Music: Spring is here!

I'm probably jumping the gun a bit, since the weather in Omaha is pretty unpredictable... I mean, just last week it was around 60 degrees out, and now it's snowing again. What's up with that?

Anyway, I've compiled a spring playlist that either makes you wish it were spring, or celebrate the fact that spring is here! :) I realize a lot of these songs have fruit in their names. Oh well. More spring and fruit for all of us! I won't go into detail, but these just evoke that spring vibe. Either because they are happy and cheerful and remind me of flowers blooming, or because they are like relaxing spring nights. Either way, these are on top of my list for spring.

HE WORE|SHE WORE's Spring Playlist!

  1. The Winter from her Leaving- William Fitzsimmons
  2. Apple- Joe Brooks
  3. Cherry Blossom Tree- Lux Lisbon
  4. Claire's Ninth- Ben Folds
  5. All the Flowers- Bibio
  6. Gone- Caroline
  7. Sweet Tanzini- Ferraby Lionheart
  8. Generator 2nd Floor- Freelance Whales
  9. Intertwined- Maggie Bjorklund
  10. Perfectly Crystal - Asobi Seksu

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